Benefits Of Professional Dental Cleanings

When was the last time you paid for a dental cleaning procedure? Well, brushing and flossing daily are great ways to take care of your teeth but regular and professional teeth cleaning is vital for your oral health. Although your oral health may not seem important, it matters most, just like your overall health. The following are the benefits of professional teeth cleaning procedures. Your Dentist Discovers Oral Health Problems at an Early Stage    Read More...

Busting Common Children's Dentistry Myths

Today, people can post misleading information on web pages or social media. Anyone who comes across such posts will likely get caught up in the flow of misinformation. Information on children's dentistry hasn't been an exception. Parents may fail to make informed decisions on their kids' oral health because they cannot separate the myths from the facts. This post will bust common myths about pediatric dentistry. "Cavities or Tooth Decay in Kids Doesn't Matter"   Read More...

4 Things That Make You A Good Candidate For Dental Veneers

A dental veneer is a thin material that the dentist cements over a tooth's surface to cover imperfections. Dental veneers can cover stained teeth and minor damage. The veneers also protect the teeth from further damage. However, not everyone is a good candidate for the restoration. Below are four things that mean you can benefit from dental veneers. You Don't Struggle With Bruxism Dental veneers are strong but destructible. You can damage the veneers if you expose them to strong or constant forces.   Read More...

3 Reasons To Have A Bridge Rather Than A Partial Denture

If you want to replace a missing tooth, then your dentist might have talked to you about both dental bridges and partial dentures. While dentures do a good job, bridges often have more benefits. What are they? Permanent Attachment Partial dentures aren't fixed permanently into your mouth. Some dentures simply slot into place; their plate provides a suction hold on part of the roof of your mouth. Others have attachments to hold them to surrounding teeth while you wear them.   Read More...

Worried About Root Canal Pain? What You Need To Know

If you are in pain and your dentist suggests you need a root canal, you might feel a twinge of fear. Root canals are often thought to be uncomfortable or even painful. However, advances in dental technology make the process rather quick and virtually painless. The following are some things you need to know before you have your first root canal: Is the Procedure Painful? One of the first questions you might have is whether or not the root canal itself will hurt.   Read More...