Busting Common Children's Dentistry Myths

Today, people can post misleading information on web pages or social media. Anyone who comes across such posts will likely get caught up in the flow of misinformation. Information on children's dentistry hasn't been an exception. Parents may fail to make informed decisions on their kids' oral health because they cannot separate the myths from the facts. This post will bust common myths about pediatric dentistry.

"Cavities or Tooth Decay in Kids Doesn't Matter"

This misconception has caused parents to make misinformed decisions. The truth is that tooth decay and cavities negatively affect permanent teeth health, even if they grow later. When baby teeth decay and are removed, teeth spacing will be affected. Usually, the space left must be maintained, but if this isn't done, the secondary teeth may grow into the wrong area leading to crooked or crowding teeth.

Cavities, on the other hand, whether on baby or adult teeth, cause pain that may be severe in certain instances. The pain interferes with the kid's capability to eat, drink, or speak properly. So, if you notice a cavity issue, schedule an appointment with a dentist.

"Primary Teeth Don't Need Oral Care"

Since kids lose baby teeth a few years after their growth, some parents assume kids don't necessarily require oral care. After all, baby teeth are bound to fall out, right? However, this assumption is misleading. When your child skips dental care during the early years of their life, they may likely face major dental problems in the future. 

As a parent or guardian, you should remember that primary teeth only act as placeholders for adult teeth. Losing them prematurely because of poor oral care will lead to crookedness or overcrowding. So, help your child brush and floss properly. Also, schedule regular appointments with the family dentist for dental cleanings and inspections.

"You Have to Wait Until All Teeth Are Grown to Visit a Dentist"

Some parents who prioritize dental care think they have to wait until all the primary teeth come in before scheduling an appointment with a dentist. This isn't the right thing to do. Parents should bring their babies to the pediatric dentist immediately after they turn one because a baby can get cavities after their first tooth grows. 

Visiting the dentist early will enable the professionals to monitor your child's gums and teeth to ensure they are healthy. They will also make sure the oral development process stays on track. Kids who visit a dentist regularly build a good rapport with their dental professionals and are likely to prioritize dental checkups throughout adulthood.
