Problems With Your Teeth: 5 Reasons To See A Cosmetic Dentist

If you have problems with your teeth, it's time to see a cosmetic dentist. You might think a cosmetic dentist is only for tooth whitening services. That's not the case though. Cosmetic dentists provide all types of restorative services. These services allow you to maintain the cosmetic appearance of your teeth.

Here are five services a cosmetic dentist can provide for you.


If you've lost a tooth, it's time to talk to a cosmetic dentist. A cosmetic dentist can fit you with a dental implant. That way, you have a permanent replacement for your missing tooth. Bridges and partials can replace missing teeth. But, they only provide a temporary fix. That's where dental implants become beneficial. Dental implants start with a post that gets implanted into your jawbone. After the implantation, a prosthetic tooth is permanently attached. 


If you have surface defects on your teeth, veneers can help restore the appearance. Dental veneers get placed on the surface of the tooth. That means there's no need for invasive procedures. Veneers work well for a variety of dental problems. Dental veneers can cover deep stains, chips, and cracks. You can use veneers on one tooth, or several teeth.


If you have a tooth that's severely decayed, a dental crown might be the best option. Dental crowns cover the entire tooth and are often used after a root canal. One of the benefits of a dental crown is that it can preserve the strength of a damaged tooth. That means you can bite and chew with your dental crown. Dental crowns also help prevent tooth loss. 


If your teeth have a lot of surface decay, it's time to talk to your cosmetic dentist about dental onlays. Like veneers, onlays get attached to the surface of the tooth. But, onlays provide increased protection. That's because onlays also wrap around the edges of the tooth. That fit acts like a partial crown around the damaged tooth. One of the benefits of an onlay is it can repair cavities that are too big for a standard filling. 


If you have deep cavities, dental inlays can restore your teeth. Deep cavities can collect food and bacteria. When that happens, you can develop dental infections. Also, if the cavities get too bad, you could lose the affected teeth. That's where inlays come into the picture. Inlays seal the damaged area of the tooth. Because inlays are stronger than fillings, they also preserve the chewing surface of the tooth. 
