4 Questions About Full Arch Rehabilitation

Are you in need of full arch rehabilitation to replace all of your teeth in either your upper or lower jaw? Here are some questions you'll likely have for your dentist as you prepare to move forward with the procedure.

How Long Does The Entire Procedure Take?

The full arch rehabilitation process takes several months from the very beginning to when you are fully healed with replacement teeth. It starts with taking photographs, impressions, and x-rays for your dentist to come up with a plan for how they are going to take on the task of restoring your teeth. They will determine how many dental implants you need and where they need to be placed. 

You'll return to the dentist to have the dental implants placed in your jawbone, which is a procedure that takes several hours to have done. You'll then need to wait several weeks for those implants to completely fuse with the jawbone. Once they have healed, you'll return to the dentist to have the artificial teeth placed onto the post to restore your smile.

Will Your Speech Be Different After The Procedure?

One of the benefits of full arch rehabilitation is that it should restore your speech to what it once was. By having your entire arch of teeth replaced, you will be able to make the mouth movements that you need to speak properly. While there will be an adjustment, the goal will be to improve your speech with the surgery. 

What Side Effects Can You Expect From The Procedure?

Every surgery has risks and side effects, and full arch rehabilitation has some common ones that you can expect. Your mouth is going to be swollen for several days after the procedure, and you'll need to use a pain reliever to give you some relief from the discomfort as well. However, the healing should always get better and never get worse. 

Will The Procedure Provide Lasting Results?

One great aspect of having full arch rehabilitation done is that the result has the potential to last a lifetime. Once the implants have fully integrated with your jawbone, they are not going to go anywhere. While it's still important to practice proper oral hygiene at home, doing so will result in a healthy mouth and gums with new teeth that will last. 

Still have questions about full arch rehabilitation? Reach out to a dentist so that they can address your concerns.  
