One Of Your Adult Teeth Is Loose, Can It Be Fixed Without Removing It?
Feeling one of your adult teeth wiggle seems like something out of a nightmare, but in reality it's typically a minor dental problem that can be fixed within a few weeks. Part of fixing the problem requires knowing what caused the problem in the first place. A loose tooth does require attention from your dentist as soon as you are able, but rarely is it something to worry about.
What Causes Loose Teeth
You may be puzzled over your loose tooth if you don't remember doing anything to it that could have caused it. Teeth can eventually start to feel loose for a number of reasons, and many of them take place over time.
- Injury or impact: Perhaps the most obvious cause, an impact to your jaw or tooth can cause a tooth to come loose immediately. This doesn't mean that the tooth is broken, simply loose in its socket.
- Bruxism: Bruxism, also called tooth grinding, can wear a tooth loose over time, especially if the tooth grinding is frequent. If bruxism is the cause, it will need to be looked into separately.
- Gum disease: Gum disease weakens your gums and can result in infections, which can loosen your tooth sockets. A deep cleaning will usually help your gums gain strength, and subsequently tighten your teeth.
What Types Of Treatments Are There?
Depending on the cause, a loose tooth can be fixed using one or multiple methods.
- Tooth splint: If your gums are healthy, there's a good chance your loose tooth can tighten up on its own if given the opportunity. With a tooth splint, your loose tooth is fastened to its two adjacent teeth to hold it in place. This usually comes in the form of a small cement bond. This bond is temporary, and can be removed in a few weeks when your tooth is stable. This is the most likely treatment you will receive, combined with others if necessary.
- Deep cleaning: A deep cleaning is used to treat gum disease. It tries to remove pockets of bacterial infection in your gums that can cause your sockets to loosen and your gums to recede. After a deep cleaning your gums will take some time to heal and strengthen, and you will need to see your dentist periodically during this process.
- Treating bruxism: Tooth grinding can be treated a few different ways. You may need to wear a mouthguard at night to prevent your teeth from constantly rubbing against each other, and your dentist may also recommend physical therapy. Alternatively, you may receive something like muscle relaxants as a prescription if you have issues with constant jaw tension.
Is There A Chance My Tooth May Fall Out?
If left untreated, there's a chance your tooth may become looser and eventually fall out, which is why it's important to seek dental help quickly. However, even if your tooth does fall out, it can still often be replaced if you catch the problem quickly enough.
If your tooth falls out, call your dentist for an emergency appointment or seek an emergency dentist. Bring the tooth with you and keep gauze on the gum area to keep bleeding to a minimum and reduce the risk of an infection. The dentist will often be able to replace the tooth in its socket.
Contact a service like Pittsburgh Dental Spa to learn more.