Do You Consume Alcohol on a Daily Basis? 3 Risks Your Mouth Could Be Facing

If you're more than a casual drinker, meaning you drink more than one alcoholic beverage per day, you may be increasing your risk of developing severe dental health problems. Not only does heavy drinking carry substantial health risks, such as cirrhosis of the liver, it also damages your teeth and gums. Take a look at the oral health problems you could be facing if you continue to drink heavily.

Tooth Decay

Drinking alcoholic beverages can increase your chances of developing tooth decay. Alcohol contains high concentrations of sugar, which can rot your teeth. The longer the sugar stays on your teeth, or the more alcohol you drink, the worse the decay will be.

You can reduce your chances of developing tooth decay by limiting the amount of alcohol you consume. It's also a good idea to rinse your mouth with clean water whenever you drink. The water will help wash away the sugar from your teeth.


If you drink heavily, you may be at an increased risk of developing gum disease. Alcohol can irritate the gum tissue. Once the gum tissue is irritated, germs and bacteria can find their way inside, where it can eat away at the soft tissue surrounding your teeth.

A recent study found that men who drink on a regular basis were at an increased risk of developing periodontitis. In fact, the increased risk was between 18–27%. Periodontitis is one of the leading causes of premature tooth loss in adults.

You can reduce the chances of developing periodontitis by limiting the amount of alcohol you consume and brushing your teeth at least twice a day.

Oral Cancer

Heavy drinking increases your risk of developing oral cancer. If you smoke too, the risk is even higher. A study by the American Cancer Society found that about 80% of the people who are diagnosed with oral cancer are drinkers. The same study found that men who consume two drinks a day and women who consume one drink a day increase their risk of being diagnosed with oral cancer. If you consume alcohol on a daily basis, you can reduce your chances of developing oral cancer by reducing the amount of alcohol you consume.

If you consume alcohol on a daily basis, you could be placing your oral health in jeopardy. You can keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy by reducing the amount of alcohol you consume on a daily basis. Talk to a dentist, such as, for more information.
